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The Truck was Picked up on Friday August 1, 2003.


The 125 was picked up from the previous owner (78) miles away and driven home in heavy rain by back roads to my house. It ran well, although the brakes were touchy and I had to keep getting off the gas to allow vacuum to build up to keep the wipers working. It is was also very interesting how wet I got by water coming in around the pop-open windshield.


Good Points

This truck needs nothing to make it road worthy and minor repairs to make it a restoration. I have decided to make this into a period parade vehicle. The pump is out of this, so is the tank, the water plumbing, and the booster reels. I plan on reinstalling the booster reels but will delay putting in the pump and leave the tank out for the time being. In the hose bed I will install wall mounted benches so that during a parade participants will be able to seat themselves.

The Hardie pump is frozen and will need heavy restoration if I ever hope to get it to work. It could still be installed without installing the tank. I will need to reinstall the 2.5 inch discharge for visual effect.

The truck moves out with its updated 302 engine and taller trans. The system has also been converted to 12 volts. So I can make it look original as long as you don't look to close. 

Previous owners state that this rig was originally stationed a Dow Air field in Bangor Maine. This WW2 Airbase is now Bangor International Airport. So the vehicle does have a somewhat local history.


Low Points

The 125 has been heavily modified and stripped of most fire fighting equipment. Basically it is a chevy 1.5 ton with a fire body.

Replacement of the engine and trans will kill any hope of real MV'ers knowing it is not an original piece.

The pump left out in the elements for 12 plus years has rusted it up good. Hardie pumps have exposed pistons so rust eating gunk will be flowing heartily.  The pump transmission is missing and it is doubtful that one could ever be acquired.


A reliable fun to drive truck with great parade potential. A motor pool restoration to bring this rig back to WW2 outside appearance should be a joy.


On August 7 Restoration has begun....

We are off and running. 

October 27. 2003  Not much has progressed on the 125. I have removed the emergency lighting and spotlight. I have also purchased a Sterling Sirenlight model 20 to return the warning equipment back to the way it was in 1942. I have sorted through the electrical system to make sure the truck continues to run. It has been converted to 12 volt but still retains some 6 volt equipment with a voltage reducer behind the dash...yikes!

The motor runs strong and I take it out every couple of weeks for a 10 or so mile jaunt to keep it exercised. The vehicle has been plated with New Hampshire Antique Plates.

I have decided that, for the time being, I will be restoring this as a parade piece. I have plans to reinstall the booster lines but will leave out the pump and tank. In place of the tank I will be putting 2 bench seats the length of the body. This can be used to haul around occupants during a parade. Should I come across a pump transfer case in the future I may convert it completely back to an operational Fire Truck.

As cold weather is here not much more will be done this year.



If you have any 40's era Fire Equipment or know of any Military vehicles For Sale please email me at  


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