The following is a work in progress...more of a diary
and some ranting about the progress that is going on with the truck. As
winter approaches I will clean up this page.
A more Detailed inspection of the truck
reveals that it is better and worse shape that what I had led myself to
believe. The body has the dent damage from the tree falling on it. It has
also been seriously reworked before. It was not a super professional
restoration but not bad for a motor pool type fix. The vehicle is 12 volt
using a converted generator. The transfer case is not out of a Ambulance
as it has an extra shift lever on it. I believe it is for a winch. The
windshield does not pop out as some "joker" screwed the
windshield in with sheet rock screws. It has modern rear taillights and directional
signals( that will be changed).
The inside is very nice. With all the strecher and seats
being proper.
Good Points
This is a neat looking vehicle. Decent for
the money. The inside needs little work to get it road worthy and most of
the body work can be done by me. It is fairly complete inside although I
need the rear step.
Low Points
The body has the dent damage from the tree
falling on it. It has also been seriously reworked before. It was not a
super professional restoration but not bad for a motor pool type fix. The
vehicle is 12 volt using a converted generator. The transfer case is not
out of a Ambulance as it has an extra shift lever on it. I believe it is
for a winch. The windshield does not pop out and some "joker"
screwed the windshield in with sheet rock screws. It has modern rear
taillights and directional signals( that will be changed).
NO BRAKES!...I did not know this as the
seller said they worked. Pedal goes to floor so I suspect a master
cylinder. I have ordered one from an M-37. $58.....
The engine runs fair. Hesitates on
acceleration. Will give it a tune-up.
On May 1 Restoration has begun....
We are off and running. The first thing we
will do is fix the Brakes. I have looked at them and ordered a Master.
Price is very reasonable.
5/8/2004 Spent a
couple of days at the Aberdeen show so I now have the bug.
I purchased a 10 ton porta power and will
have to remove the inside headliner so that I can "pop" back the
dented roof. Will do the best I can. Some dents will remain but it is a
military vehicle.



The Porta-Power has taken the dents out nicely. Many of the dents just
popped back to their original shape. The dent over the driver bounced back
but the impact still separated the top from the top of the "A"
pillar. Some welding/brazing was needed. A couple of more days of
straightening metal and then into the Sand Blaster.
Installed the new Master Cylinder. Brakes now work. |

5/23/2004 Finished
Sandblasting today. About a 15 hour job. My compressor is a bit small in
providing air volume and I had to keep taking breaks to let it build back
up. Also I recycle the blasting media so I had to stop after using it all
, move the ambulance out of the "blasting cave", scoop up the
media into 5 gallon joint compound buckets, and then move the ambulance
back. This was done too many times.... The media becomes less
abrasive and the performance degrades after about 4 times. It is then time
to get new. I still need to do the spare. I hope to paint
shortly...rain is in the forecast so we will see.
5/31/2004 Black
POR has been applied. It has brought out the "dings". Looks like
someone took a shotgun to the drivers side rear (from a distance). Also
doing some work with Glazing compound to fix up the previous bad bondo. |

6/08/2004 The
first coat of Gillespee 33070 paint has been applied. It went on well. A
couple of "runs" do to pilot error. I will sand these out when
dry and then hit it with a second coat. |

6/21/2004 The
stencils have arrived from Rick Larsen. He has done a great job. They
apply easily and now it is just my painting skills to make sure they look
good. No one seems to make an automotive no luster red or white paint. I have bought
some Nason paint from the local Auto Parts place and am thinning it an
extra 20% with the hope that it will dull it down. I have had to mask the
large Geneva Cross areas my self using masking tape and luck. Check out
the pictures below. |




6/30/2004 Red
part of the Geneva Crosses have been painted. A little touch up is
necessary. I have reinstalled the inside panels, installed the new wiper
arms, and all lighting. Also put in front directional lights and replaced
the Right Rear light with a left rear to give the service lighting on both
sides so brakes and signals can always be seen. |




7/11/2004 When
I purchased the vehicle the seller promised me Combat rims with the deal.
He stiffed of course. I have had to purchase these myself else where and
will be buying new tires for the rims. Should be done by fall. I
found a bracket for the siren which was broken off. It has been blasted
and painted and is now on. Need to do some finishing touches on the
inside. |